Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Graphic Organizer

Communication in a distance classroom needs to be timely, respectful and with an appropriate tone. This communication can happen in a variety of means, email, chat, or Skype. The main reason we communicate with distance education is for feedback on the work and ideas we are pursuing. This communication is vital to effective collaboration. Collaboration is a must have in distance education to develop an environment that is positive and motivating to learners. Collaboration may occur using wiki pages, discussion forums, and blogs. Content for distance education is the foundation for the learning and is done using textbooks, videos, and various reading materials. The most effective tools for learning that I have encountered so far have been the wiki pages, videos (podcasts by Laureate), and discussion forums. The discussion forums qualifies as communication, however I included it with collaboration since most discussion forums are a collaborative effort.
There are many tools that utilize technology and may enhance the learning experience. Some are listed on the following website.
A podcast by Dr. Carl Owens may be accessed using the following link.


  1. Dear Melissa,

    I like how you included your graphic organizer right on your blog posting. I do agree with you about how collaboration can be accomplished in distance education and the types of strategies that accompany it.

    Good job!


  2. Good evening! Your presentation is very complete and gives solid reasons for using tech books. My own students love accessing their geography books from home.
