Thursday, March 28, 2013

Cell Phone Tetrad


  1. Hi Melissa,
    Talking while driving is surely under retrieves. May I suggest a hands free adapter device to the cell phone due to all the car accidents that are caused by texting and cell phone use.

    I remember the bag phones. I had one mounted in my first car. :) I like your idea about the smart watches. Check out the link below:

    Your enhance and obsolete tetrad is much similar to mine. Good post!!

  2. Melissa, I totally forgot about payphones! I just saw one at a gas station awhile ago and could not believe they still existed. I remember my grandmother's rule: "Never leave home without a dime", as that's all it costs to use a payphone when I was a kid! The pay-as-you-go plans are much less costly than the 2-year contracts now that most of us are stuck with just to enjoy the convenience of a cell/smartphone!

    I love your futuristic view of smart watches! Something like that already exists: it's a watch with apps that can be downloaded, like a smartphone or iPod touch (see

    Great tetrad!
