Thursday, April 11, 2013

Rhymes of History

Dr. Thornburg’s video discusses new technologies that bring back memories from the past (Laureate, 2009). One example of a rhyme of history is the emergence of the tablet computer. Secretaries from the past used paper notebooks to scribe or short hand notes and memos. The new tablet computers such as the Ipad make it easy and convenient to type them into a memo application or use a short hand keyboard to take dictation.

Once the dictation is taken they can then transfer it into a word file or whatever means of communications they may need to send it to the recipient. This also brings to mind the typewriter and how they would take the memo notes from a notebook of paper and then type them out. Email and electronic communications now allow this to happen very fast and over great distances.

Laureate Education, Inc. (Producer). (2009). Rhymes of History  [Video]. In Emerging and future technology [DVD] Baltimore, MD: Author. 


  1. Hi Melissa,
    I was just thinking. Do they still use short hand notes in the court rooms? I think its called a Steno Writer. Click video below to see an example:

  2. Melissa,
    Interesting that you mention shorthand, I remember those weird little symbols. I think the closest and newest connection to early notetakers or secretaries could be speech detection software that coverts speech to text. As the software gets better, could you see talk to text overtaking tablet type-writing software?

  3. Melissa,

    Great example and recalled use of familiar forms of memorandum preparation! I learned to take shorthand (still use it!) and to type (very well) in high school. I must admit: I do not miss the white-out and messes required to make type corrections! Technology has brought us a long ways in the form of communication. I can't wait to see what's to come.

    Best to you,

  4. Hi Melissa,

    I agree. The other thing I thought of is the fact that secretaries would take short hand when they took dictation, not only the that the court reporters who type reams and reams of transcript prior to dictation.
    Nice post!

  5. Hi Melissa,

    Great examples that you provided when comparing the tablet pc with the notebook. It is such a great convenience now to be able to have access to taking notes with a technology tool versus using paper and pencil.
